5th January 2022 By H&T Presspart
Silver Medal Success for second time in a row for H&T Presspart Marsberg

H&T Presspart is pleased to announce that for the second time running, our manufacturing site in Marsberg, Germany has been awarded a silver medal in the world renowned EcoVadis sustainability assessment, with a score of 64 out of 100. This is a great assessment and reflection of the efforts of the H&T Presspart Division and Marsberg site.
The score achieved this year saw an improvement of around 8% which we believe are down to a number of factors including the implementation of the H&T Supplier Code of Conduct or a supplier questionnaire. Although H&T Presspart evaluates this as a very positive result, we see ourselves just at the start of our journey. Together with a H&T Group Project to elaborate a global sustainability strategy, we are working together with all our partners and across our sites as #1Team on sustainability initiatives and improvements of our global environmental footprint.
As a global manufacturer of respiratory drug delivery components and devices, H&T Presspart understands the impact our business can have on the environment, therefore we are constantly seeking continuous improvement and will take on board all feedback received during the assessment to achieve this. Working closely with our customers and suppliers, H&T Presspart will continue to strive to implement our sustainability strategy in order to support our own and our customer’s sustainable goals.
EcoVadis is a global sustainability assessment platform based on international CSR standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000 and takes into account 198 purchasing categories and 155 countries. The EcoVadis scoring model is based on 21 criteria from the four subject areas of environment, social affairs, ethics and sustainable procurement. Companies are scored out of 100 and are awarded a bronze, silver, gold or platinum medal.
Congratulations to all the team at H&T Presspart Marsberg on being awarded the silver medal.