12th June 2024 By H&T Presspart
Success for the Heitkamp & Thumann Group in the sports relay at the Eresburglauf
Last Saturday, 08.06.2024, the 3rd Eresburglauf took place in sunny weather in Obermarsberg. The employees of the Heitkamp & Thumann Group from our Marsberg site, including members of the H&T Presspart team, took part in 3 races and achieved excellent results in all the races.

First, Frederik Giller took part in the half marathon, which led through Obermarsberg and Giershagen and involved a number of hill climbs. He completed the 21.1 km course in a time of 1:59 hours and finished in a very good 16th place.
The next individual runner was Michael Dieste, who took part in the 5 km individual run. A total of 4 laps of 1.25 km each had to be completed around the town center of Obermarsberg. With an excellent time of 19:56 minutes, Michael was able to secure 7th place in a strong field of participants.